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How are the prices calculated on the site?
The website will always show the lowest possible price available to attract more inquiries for your room.
We calculate and advertise this way to make it more attractive for guests to book long term stays with you, the host.
Please note: The rooms are listed on a per room per night with the option to add a discounted single occupancy basis and not per person.
Nightly price is for a 1 night stay.
Weekly price is for a 7 night stay.
Monthly price is for a 30 night stay.
If you only want short stay guests of less than a week, you should enter a nightly price only.
Booking requests vary all the time so you may see a request for 18 nights or 35 nights which are more than an exact week or an exact month.
Weekly prices - The system calculates the average nightly room price based on the weekly price divided by 7 nights.
Monthly prices - The system calculates the average nightly room price based on the monthly price divided by 30 nights.
Calculation Example:
If you have a weekly price set of 200 and you receive a request for 11 nights, the price is calculated by your weekly price divided by 7 multiplied by 11 nights.
200 / 7 = 28.57 per night X 11 nights = 314.28
If you have a monthly price set of 800 and you receive a request for 35 nights, the price is calculated by your monthly price divided by 30 multiplied by 35 nights.
800 / 30 = 26.66 per night X 35 nights = 933.31
When setting your prices, consider how much you feel would be reasonable to ask a guest to pay while allowing you to make some money, taking into account they pay the booking fee at the time of booking which is retained by
Extras such as meals and transport are separate charges agreed between yourself and the guest.
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